Thursday, November 1, 2018

The Opening And Closing Of Doors

2018 - and indeed, October 2018 in particular marked a turning point in my life, where I closed a few doors behind me on past endeavors, and opened a door ahead of me.

My activist past in terms of belonging to organized groups and associations is a lengthy convoluted one, and if you'd been following my blog "Sour Grapes: The Fruit Of Ignorance" since I started it in 2009, you'd probably be aware of some of this.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

What A Lovely Review Of “Demonspawn”!

I just spotted this lovely review of “Demonspawn” – book two in my Galaxii Series, and I just HAD to share it with you!

Demonspawn by Christina Engela – a review

by Lee Hall

‘In space, not all things were certain… not even death’

Demonspawn is a detailed well-imagined space story, which I found hard to put down, in fact I read the book in just 3 sittings.

Christina Engela has created a believable world of space travel, delivering it in way that seemed to me logical and explained without straying from the main plot.

From the very opening, there is a deliberate psychological vagueness as to what the ‘big bad’ could be. This heightens the mystery giving readers a real urgency and a want to find out, eventually you will.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

If It Ain't Broke...

If you can't understand this simple concept, YOU are part of the problem.

If you would like to know more about Christina Engela and her writing, please feel free to browse her website.

If you’d like to send Christina Engela a question about her life as a writer or transactivist, please send an email to or use the Contact form.

All material copyright © Christina Engela, 2019.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

New Release: "The Pink Community - The Facts" Second Edition!

New release: "The Pink Community – The Facts" - Second Edition! Back in 2009 when I was in full swing of my human rights advocacy and running two LGBT rights groups (SA GLAAD and ECGLA), I put together an online information resource which mainly consisted of useful quotes and links to articles online.

As an activist who campaigned a lot on social media against bigotry in form of homophobia and transphobia, these links came in handy to post as replies to enraged bigots, rather than typing out lengthy replies each time! Instead, the link would manifest with a reference to a useful scientific or medical article that would invalidate the bigot's viewpoint, and they would be left there, seething, embarrassed, with egg on their faces!

Gradually this list grew until it migrated from a text file I kept on my PC, into a Word document - and then, when I started my blog "Sour Grapes: The Fruit of Ignorance", I dedicated several pages to it there. Later, in about 2012, I migrated it to my official author site, where it still lurks, as a free resource for human rights advocacy. This allowed for page hierarchies rather than just a huge cluster (or clutter!) of pages on a site!

Friday, December 30, 2016

The Enemy Of My Enemy Is Not Necessarily My Friend

Why is it that when people who use a word like 'tranny' to describe transgender people are told, by a transgender person, that the word is derogatory and offensive towards transgender people, they rally and insist that it isn't?

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

America's Shame Before The World!

I can't understand how a majority of Americans - supposedly the most forward-thinking people on the planet - could vote "Trump".

It's mind-blowingly disappointing. It's awful. Simply awful. 
This is a dark day for human rights, not just in America, but everywhere. Considering the orange monkey's appalling campaign promises, there will be human rights violations and civil rights losses in abundance as Trump faces pressure from his rabid supporters to live up to his election promises - build the wall, strip LGBT rights, enact racist laws, deport all immigrants, hack the constitution, make Christianity a state religion.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

No LGBT Stereotypes Here!

Good day, everyone!

Today I'd like to talk to you about stereotypes!

(Before I get into an explanation of what I mean, I would like to emphasize that my stories are not just "all about LGBT people" or intended to rub straight reader's noses in a rainbow flag and sprinkle glitter all over their cornflakes!)

You see, I've been asked a rather difficult question as a writer, and that is "What exactly is my intended market?"

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

New Living Ways Ministry SA Seeks Human Rights For 'Ex-Gays'

This morning I found an item in my mailbox from Andre' Bekker, a representative of "New Living Way Ministry" - an 'ex-gay' group in South Africa. 
It was headed "An Open Letter to the Gay Community and Activists", and its content can be read right at the bottom of this article
I have no idea who else has received a copy of this letter, but since it was headed 'an open letter', I presume it was meant for the whole LGBT community in South Africa, and of course activists such as myself.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

The Magenta Dragon

[I wrote the following article for The Wild Hunt (a UK Pagan magazine) in 2016. It also appeared locally in SA Vampyre News (SAVN) and on Penton Alternative Media at more or less the same time. At the time I was acting as the chief researcher for the Alternative Religions Forum, after working on the academic paper known as "Satanism: The Acid Test".]

Most in the South African Vampyre community who have done a little research into the history will know that this community’s recorded history began in May 2010 with the foundation of House Valur. Most will know that the community only began growing and taking form with the founding of the South African Vampyre Alliance (SAVA) in June 2011, but little if anything is known about the community in the time before that.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Passion, Perception And Prejudice

Today is another day I find myself facing accusations that I 'hate Christians'. The source of this accusation, undoubtedly, is some of the posts I circulate on Facebook - posts which unmask Christian hatred for the 'other' - that is, for non-Christians and LGBT people, also atheists, Pagans and people who worship other gods.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

What DO I Really Want?

It's regarded as naive' to want everyone to 'just get along' and 'make nice'... but nevertheless, that's all I really want from the world. Every day as a human rights advocate I see words spoken by people consumed by anger and hatred towards other people, and it saddens me. Yes, I've spoken out in anger before too, and I will again today and tomorrow... but that's a reaction to the hatred and anger of others - and the acts of cruelty committed out of their hatred and anger. At least I am above committing such acts of hatred and cruelty, unlike those I usually take on as an activist.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016


Let's talk about belief. It's amazing - and also quite frightening - how some people seem to be more concerned with what other people believe about anything, rather than concerning themselves with their own private beliefs. Typically this is even more true when it comes to religious beliefs.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Guest Post: "Moral Conflicts & Liberty: Gay Persecution In Uganda & How They Can Be Liberated" by F. Mwine

The following paper was sent to me by Francis Mwine Mubwaro, a LGBT activist from Uganda, with a request to repost it on my blog.

I am honored to oblige, and it is with utmost respect and admiration that I share this document here:



This paper is published under the responsibility of Krysler Thematic and think tank group, where the presenter is the founding member and Chairperson, affiliated to Twagalane Association.

Comments on this paper are invited.

Please contact the author and presenter at EMAIL: 

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Live Your Dream!

I think we all start off hoping to start changing into that mythical supermodel with the long thin legs, that impossible Barbie waistline and cleavage we always wanted as soon as we embark on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)... Meanwhile, it doesn't happen for everyone quite the way we hope it will, and certainly not overnight, if at all. I think it's an unrealistic expectation we all have.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

A Little Note On Freedom Of Religion From Your Friendly Neighborhood Witch

Here's a little note on freedom of religion, tolerance for diversity and equality for all in South Africa:

This little notice appeared in a local SA Newspaper in Afrikaans, although I am still waiting for someone to tell me which paper it appeared in.


Very charming - and I suppose were an occult group to post a similar ad about a course covering 'the evils of Christianity' (and I might be tempted to list a few), then it would be reported as hate speech (and the complaint would be taken in a very serious light - not dismissed by the Press Ombudsman or SA HRC as all complaints on such articles have been), or the ad wouldn't be posted by the paper in the first place because it might offend the 'mighty Christians'.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Manic Street Preacher With Huge Appetite 'Eats Witches For Breakfast'!

Let me tell you about my morning. 
Two things have absolutely pissed me off and ruined my mood for the day. One was more just a case of inconvenience. The other... well, the other was more of a literal slap in the face from both the other people I was surrounded by - and from the officials of SARS itself.

Let me start at the beginning.
I went to SARS (the 'tax man' for my non-local friends) at 6:45 am, thinking I'd be near the front of the queue. I was number 6, which is not bad, considering I was number 13 yesterday - but then today we waited and waited and waited and waited ...and waited and waited - watching SARS people to-ing and fro-ing and not actually doing anything much - until 815 am, when a chap eventually turned up to give us our numbers. 
That's 2 hours of standing, with no benches, no shelter against inclement weather (which there wasn't, fortunately) and no toilet facilities - and if you leave the queue, you lose your place. Unless you're the sort who just pitches up out of the blue and claims you "were here" two hours ago.
Oh, right. You were the invisible man?

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Why I Think Oscar Got Away With Murder

I am not a judge, and in fact I have never been trained in any legal trade. However, I am not stupid. 
Perhaps it is because of this, that like many people, I am upset by the recent court fiasco in which former para-Olympian Oscar Pistorius was given a mild slap on the wrist for the death of his girlfriend Reeva. 
It weighs heavily on my mind. In fact, the injustice that I feel has been done is quite upsetting to me. Then again, I console myself that in the end, it's not really my problem. After all, I'm okay - I haven't been shot in my own bathroom, and neither am I likely to just go on a shooting spree if I hear things going 'bump' in the night. 

Friday, October 10, 2014

The Memo

An article by a militant fundamentalist "Christian" group misleadingly called "Freedom Of Religion SA", entitled "Christian Leaders Unite to Protect Religious Freedom in SA" states: 
"the growing number of cases being opened up against Christians, and lost by them, for trying to live out their beliefs, clearly indicating that religious freedom is already being lost in South Africa." 
This statement is not only false, but it is misleading as well. Let me explain why.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Ignorance Prompts Stereotypical Knee-jerk Reactions

[20141004 - 180 with Bob on KAYA FM - "Satanic groups have approached the MEC of Education in Gauteng to suggest that satinism should be offered as a religious subject in schools. Do you think it's a fair request or are we taking our democratic rights too far?"

Minimum Wage = Minimum Worth

Perplexed by the trend lately of grumpy cashiers and unfriendly clerks at convenience stores and fast food restaurants, last evening I picked up a takeaway dinner from a popular chain, and chatted to the lady behind the counter. She'd been on her feet behind the counter serving customers since 12 am. It was 9pm, and she was hungry and tired. When I asked her about staff meals, she told me they don't get those anymore.

That's strange, I thought, when I was at high school I also did the same job part-time and we used to get staff meals - to the point where the smell of that brand would actually put me off eating it for a while - but we got it. Yes, that was 24 years ago - but I was still rather shocked. 

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

In The Name Of Their Differences

Israelis gather on hillsides to watch and cheer as military drops bombs on Gaza "People drink, snack and pose for selfies against a background of explosions as Palestinian death toll mounts in ongoing offensive As the sun begins to sink over the Mediterranean, groups of Israelis gather each evening on hilltops close to the Gaza border to cheer, whoop and whistle as bombs rain down on people in a warzone hell a few miles away. Old sofas, garden chairs, battered car seats and upturned crates provide seating for the spectators. On one hilltop, a swing has been attached to the branches of a pine tree, allowing its occupant to sway gently in the breeze. Some bring bottles of beer or soft drinks and snacks."

How do I feel about this display of callous disregard for human lives? Numb. 
I sometimes wonder what the powers-that-were were thinking when they created the state of Israel after WW2... but it can't have been to give the Jewish people a peaceful place to set up their homes, could it?
Rather, it seems the Allies seemed to have been looking for a convenient place to just dump a mass of people who'd become something of a knotty problem for the nations who not only hadn't gone to war over anti-Semitism, but were now caught up in dealing with the aftermath of those who'd done what many of them secretly were also not innocent of either. 
After all, how many Western and European nations had turned away Jewish refugees from as far back as the 1930s? "Give me your huddled masses, your poor..." Hah! Platitudes on display... window-dressing - but even the USA closed their doors to people facing death under the Nazi jackboot, and was itself rife with anti-Semitism. To think that I grew up being spoon-fed the bullshit story that the USA went to war with Germany over the way they'd treated the Jews? The whole idea makes me sick to the stomach.
In order to give an alien nation - a nation with no current claim to a geographic area, someone on that land - people who have settled there thousands of years since it was last a Jewish state, had to be moved aside first... to give them control of the land, someone had to be dispossessed of it first. and as we know all too well in South Africa, the rest as they say, is history.

For decades we have heard about the many wars in which Israel has become embroiled... the 6 Day War for one, not to mention the constant trickle of news about all the internal terrorist attacks: car-bombings, suicide bombers, airline hijackings and the like, the constantly shifting (usually expanding) borders of Israel, and the aggressive expansion of Jewish settlements into Palestinian settlements - and the constant, annoying, brain-numbing political rhetoric cluttering the TV and print media since I can remember. 
According to the USA, Israel can never do any wrong - and I'm not talking about ordinary Jewish people here, I'm talking about the radical, aggressive, violent and ideologically fascist nature of Zionism, which is firmly entrenched in Israeli government and has been since the late 1940s.
Always it was 'poor Israel' this, 'poor Israel' that... never a sympathetic ear for the Palestinians who are treated like prisoners in their own native homeland, no time to hear the other side of the story, no objective reporting in the media or in foreign policy, no humanitarian sympathy for the people who inhabited that land for centuries before a bunch of Zionists came along to push and shove them aside without their being consulted, or even involved in how their own lives would be affected by it.
It always seemed to me, being a child of the 1980's in South Africa, that the "Christian society" we lived in felt that, being Muslims, the Palestinians somehow deserved the violence and the suffering and whatever Israel did, no matter how inhuman or violent, they were always "in the right" and above criticism. Of course, Israel was a firm supporter of the Apartheid government - in fact, during the arms embargoes of the 1970s, Israel was at one time the only country willing to supply arms to prop up the NP government - as a matter of interest, the R4 and R5 assault rifles still in use by the armed forces of South Africa today were of Israeli origin, the Galil.
As a child though I must admit I didn't really know enough about the world to question any of what was going on. Recently in South Africa and abroad, there has been a sudden emergence of concern for the people of Gaza as well - perhaps as a result of the gradual awareness being raised because of the emergence and reach of the internet and social media. Stories of what is really going on in Palestinian experiences are finally starting to leak out beyond Israel's ability to smother them. 
To me though, this sudden concern with the welfare of the "other side" is, in my humble opinion, too little, if not a bit too late. But it's also better late than never.

This ongoing human rights disaster is not a new thing - it's been developing over the past six decades - and if Israel's government can't stop in its tracks and recognize that something has to change, the course it's on will result in Israel being equated to the very sort of crimes against humanity that resulted in the Holocaust. But will they? Or will they continue to foster the sort of mindset that results in people treating a nearby bombardment of neighboring civilians, including children, like a soccer match on TV with pizza and a couple of brewskis, and as something to cheer (and jeer) about?
People capable of doing that are, to my mind, irretrievably broken - and this too translates pretty damningly to the society they form part of.

In my view, any government whose state is perpetually at war, continues down a path that inflames more war and more strife for its citizens, persecutes people along racial or cultural lines - and remains so for as long as has Israel, is incompetent and unfit - and should resign. 
Frankly, I think it's already long past tine for Israel's government to face charges of crimes against humanity at the Hague. Now isn't that ironic?

If you would like to know more about Christina Engela and her writing, please feel free to browse her website.

If you’d like to send Christina Engela a question about her life as a writer or transactivist, please send an email to or use the Contact form.

All material copyright © Christina Engela, 2019.