Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Branching Off

For a long time I have been interested in scientific studies of our distant relatives, the apes. Aside from the interesting genetic discoveries that indicate less than one gene actually determines whether we swing from branches or manage them, it has been most gratifying to see that come of them make and use primitive (but still clever) tools and have social orders not unlike some of our own.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Bricks And Mortar

According to Christ, all have sinned, and that includes you and me, and everyone else here on this world. While I am the last person to claim to be perfect, I think it is rather funny how some sinners seem to think they are better than other sinners, innit?

This group of political parties claiming to be Christians supposedly representing all followers of Christ also say they do not hate gay people, but act out of love for us - and that it only SEEMS as if they hate us. Often they even claim we are acting out of hate for them and their religion by daring to stand up to them.

Hmm. Interesting concept.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Bang, Bang - My Pastor Shot Me Down...!

I used to call myself a Christian all of my life, having being born into a loving Christian family and been "born again" when I was 12. I spent all my adult life believing in a loving god - until I saw people say and do things I could not believe came from a heart supposedly changed by the living god - especially against people like me - in the name of this same god. 
While I do not believe that this God feels the way they do about GLBT people, this inexcusable HATE has most certainly set me against this contradictory fundamentalist sector of Christianity - and any religion - that chooses to persecute.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Curiouser And Curiouser

Today in India, homosexuality is illegal and punishable by laws and social stigmas inherited from British rule and Victorian conservatism.

We all remember the Victorians - people who were so severely religious, they were afraid to see even themselves naked in case it caused them to think sinful thoughts.

Of Grated Carrots And Canned Fruit

During a 'spirited' (no pun intended) debate with a supporter of the ACDC - I mean P, I suggested those "loving Christians" watch the documentary "For the Bible tells me so". For those who do not know, it is a documentary which exposes the motives and misinformation used by the religious right and biblical literalists to try and justify the persecution of GLBT people. It does not attack Christianity, but uses religious argument along with scientific facts to reveal the flaws and faults in the religious rights' attack on innocent people based on misinterpretation, mistranslation and prejudice.

People have been expressing hate under the guise of religious clothing for so long they do not even see the wrong in it anymore.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

WDJD (What Did Jesus Do) ?

Happening upon another debate on a religious political party Facebook group hate wall, I noticed somebody posted the following in a debate about GLBT and their party's dicriminatory policies:

"God gave us freedom of choice so if you want to be bisexual, be bisexual; if you want to be a pedophile, that is your choice;"

So who's a hypocrite now?

Monday, March 30, 2009

COPE Lied To Us!

Late last year I was part of a group that lobbied the new party COPE to include GLBT rights in its policies and manifesto. COPE was then making all the right human rights noises and astonishingly even invited GLBT to the table. It seems in hindsight, that it may well have been just another ploy to win as much support as they could, at almost any cost. Almost.