In speaking out against the frequent attacks on human rights which undeniably comes predominantly out of the Christian fundamentalist quarter, it seems that spelling out the FUNDAMENTALIST or EXTREMIST part is not helping to clarify things much. People just seem to see the world "Christian" and jump to the conclusion that "oh, she's hammering the Christians again. She must really hate us."
People frequently accuse me of being anti-Christian, anti-God and anti-religious freedom - which given my clarifications that I'm speaking about Christian FUNDAMENTALISTS and NOT ALL CHRISTIANS makes no sense to me whatever. I am none of those things - and oddly enough, the people accusing me of these things are often NOT EVEN FUNDAMENTALISTS!
Yet, for some reason, THEIR feelings are apparently getting bruised and they are somehow offended by the undeniable truth that some people who claim to be Christians just aren't very nice people, and are doing some really unpleasant things - and then using the deity or religious teachings they have in common with the nicer, less genocidal, hate-filled people also calling themselves Christians.
Can't you read, people? Or does this misunderstanding arise because you don't understand the difference between a Christian - an ordinary, practicing Christian, and a Christian FUNDAMENTALIST?
Or is it really just the word "fundamentalist" you don't understand?