Over the years, a lot of us sitting on the outside predicted the gradual rise of the American far right to ultimately seize power, and the collapse of civil rights and due process - of the dominionists (who make up the core of the GOP today) and the populist right who have perverted the version of Christianity they identify with, into the personality cult of Trump - and so they can justify anything they say or do, with religion.
Back in 2009 when the US extremist right wing Christian churches and other organizations were exposed in their efforts to influence Uganda to pass the "Kill the Gays" bill, I warned the American human rights advocacy organizations and activists working to counter and expose their dastardly deeds, of what was coming. In so doing, for my trouble, I was labelled "hysterical", "exaggerating", a "loose canon", and even "an interfering South African"... And now, in 2025, we're watching the shit-show unfold for the second, and probably final time.
Who would've thought, as recently as 20 years ago, that the USA - the leader of the so-called "Free World", the alleged bastion of democracy, and the world's purported beacon of civilization and human rights - would actually turn into Nazi Germany - and so easily, so completely, and even so willingly?
If it weren't so bone-chillingly scary and heart-rendingly tragic, it would be funny. A real hoot - a satire, a parody of a failed democracy carrying on the pretense of business as usual, a comedy of a fallen world power rattling it's saber and thumping its chest to proclaim its prowess, now hollow - a horror of a collapsed empire turning in on itself and using parlor tricks like scapegoating, witch hunts and victim-blaming to distract the masses from issues that really matter, all for the sake of preserving the only things that ever really matter to the rich and powerful - which are riches and power.
The words "I told you so, but you wouldn't listen" stick in my throat for all the bitter outrage and impotent horror I feel, that this could all have been avoided.
"I told you so, for years, you fucking idiots... but you wouldn't listen!"
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