Friday, January 31, 2025

Does Takealot Support Fascism?

Dear Takealot & CEO Federick Zietsman,

I reacted with horror this morning when I learned that your platform markets or facilitates the marketing of MAGA merchandise, specifically in this case, the MAGA hat in various colors as shown in the attached screenshot.

All Choked Up

Well, their soup is pretty choked up with bigots now, alright.

It's orange and reeks of poop. They're going to need a whole new bowl to get rid of the mess.

Just another way I tried to warn them over the last few years - but nobody really pays attention much to writers anymore, do they? What do we know? We only research and study history and can more easily recognize bullshit artists when we see them.

It's out of my hands. 

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Ode To The Fall Of The American Empire

Over the years, a lot of us sitting on the outside predicted the gradual rise of the American far right to ultimately seize power, and the collapse of civil rights and due process - of the dominionists (who make up the core of the GOP today) and the populist right who have perverted the version of Christianity they identify with, into the personality cult of Trump - and so they can justify anything they say or do, with religion.