Friday, April 5, 2024

Breaking Into The Echo Chamber


Yesterday I wrote an article about the Dear South Africa petition post on Facebook against the implementation of gender sensitivity training for children at schools across South Africa.

Of course, sometimes I just can't help myself, and I happened to leave a comment on the Facebook thread as well - which naturally attracted the attention (and ire) of all kinds of nutters who are the sort of people who believe all the bullshit meme-like trash being put out there about LGBT+ people - you know the sort - that we're "groomers", that transwomen transition in order to molest children or women in public bathrooms, or because we find participating in women's sport so much less of a challenge.

The hate from people like this is palpable and tangible. This article will focus on the sort of propaganda-based arguments used by transphobes and homophobes to attack attempts to bring inclusiveness and understanding of diversity into classrooms that appear to be universal when it comes to their source - imported right wing propaganda.

Defending the government's initiative to turn the kids of people like this into better, kinder, healthier and nicer people than their obviously mentally deficient parents, turned into a flurry of accusations of "supporting pedophilia" and the like - because, of course it did.

These sort of people, as you will notice, have little grasp of reality - and at least one openly bragged that they don't believe in science or psychology and stated that, essentially, they view these as tools of government misinformation.

This of course presents something of a challenge: how does anyone with a rational grasp of science debate a person who overtly rejects science? This is only compounded by the challenger demanding to be shown proof that they are wrong - when their statement indicates that such proof constitutes the very thing that they reject?

In short, this is a battle against not only ignorance, but also cognitive dissonance.

I also recognize elements of fear and outrage in their reactionary stance arising from an inability on the part of some of these people to understand that:

a) their beliefs about LGBT+ people are factually incorrect
b) their understanding of gender, gender identity and sexual orientation is flawed, simplistic, unscientific and outdated
c) their inflexibility to understand or adapt to new information
d) their failure to recognize their own homophobia and transphobia as being the very thing this education is intended to protect children from.

Taken together, these points all demonstrate precisely why this sort of youth education in South Africa is vital and in fact long overdue.

That said, this morning I awoke to find a lengthy response directed at me by one of these individuals, and I thought it best - rather than just ignoring such a long, totally indefensible rant - to deconstruct it and reply in point form. I've included the original message below, and my point form response is below that.

"wow! Not judgemental at all, are you? if you mess with kids and want to sexualize children, it's pedophilia. And rushing to flash the ''right wing'' card speaks loads about your lib BULLSHiT ideologies.

Here's a hint for you, seek help. If you think that there are more two genders and believe children can be taught this nonsense, you are smoking your socks. Why are you defending this crap? What is wrong with you? Stand up for your own. A man in a women's bathroom is sick. A man stealing medals at sports events because he's too weak to compete against men, is sick. Liberals and governments enforcing this is sick. A man being called woman of the year is sick. Where is your pride? Where is your sense of pride in who you are and what you are? Being trans or gay or lesbian is your right. Be what you want to be, but if you mess with kids, gloves are off. The only way kids ''know'' what they are, is by what they see, hear and being told or taught, by adults!
It's so leftist defending other's for trampling on your rights and believing it's ok.

Btw, how do you know there are LGBT+ kids? Show the proof. Or are you believing what goverments tell you is the truth and so called scientists and psychologists are barfing up?

Teaching kids to be compasionate and caring, doesn't have to be wrapped in a ''rainbow'' or have an agenda attached to it. I know this, because I taught my kids that.

I actaually could't care less what you think or say about me. What's right is right and what is true and real is right, and that there are only two genders is fact, scientifically and naturally, everthing else is make believe. Go read and study that proposed law. Your right as a parent is out the window and the government is in control. And they intend rolling it out in pre schools and primary schools."

Here follows my response:

1) "if you mess with kids and want to sexualize children, it's pedophilia."

Educating children about the world around them, and teaching them compassion for others by showing them how NOT TO MISGENDER or HURT OTHER PEOPLE is not "sexualizing children", nor is it "pedophilia". At the very least, it's just teaching them good manners and how to get along well with others - something you probably could've done with yourself.

Here's a definition of pedophilia, since you're obviously confused about what that actually means:

"* sexual perversion in which children are the preferred sexual object
* specifically : a psychiatric disorder in which an adult has sexual fantasies about or engages in sexual acts with a prepubescent child". - Mirriam-Webster dictionary.

I fail to see how the above definition applies in any way to teaching children to understand themselves as well as other children and the world around them?

You're obviously confused, or don't know what you're talking about, or you're just using words you don't understand, or all three.

2) "rushing to flash the ''right wing'' card speaks loads about your lib BULLSHiT ideologies."

Do you feel called out? What are transphobia, homophobia and the persecution of minorities of all kinds, OTHER than hallmarks of right wing ideology? Go ahead, try to explain that away.

Additionally, if "lib BULLSHIT ideologies" as you call them, are geared towards freeing people from oppression and human rights abuses and trying to make the world a nicer, kinder place, what does that say about the right wing? Nothing good, I assure you. 

It's not a "card" by the way, it's a reality. What is the "right wing" good for exactly, other than separating and bullying minorities - and resorting to violence to get its way when it can't win arguments?

3) "If you think that there are more two genders and believe children can be taught this nonsense, you are smoking your socks."

Wow. That just shows how little you really know. You really are behind the times. Here's a little quote for you to chew on so long:

"Even the biological categories of male and female are blurred; we know today that not just the X and Y chromosomes but at least 12 others across the human genome govern sex differentiation, and at least 30 genes are involved in sex development." - Simona Giordano, Director of Medical Ethics, Manchester University Medical School.

What? You thought identifying someone's gender was as simple as pulling down their pants and looking between their legs? And you call me a pervert?

Here are two links for you to check out scientific studies on the issue of biological sex and gender identity:

As you guys like to say, "do your own research".

P.S. if you still don't get it, your inability to understand science is not an argument against it.

...and if you think all this is new, it's not. It's just a resurgence in rediscovery of the self - in earlier cultures predating the Westernized Christian obsession with policing the sexes and gender - and specifically with placing males in a superior societal position while reducing females to second class citizens for centuries, the cultural understanding and acceptance of variety in gender identity and sexual orientation was widespread - for example among Native Americans, in Africa, and Asia to mention but a few. Before the Christian missionaries got a hold of them, of course.

It's also strange how easily children can be taught to use a simple gender-neutral word like "they" or "them" to describe people whose gender identity they don't know - something which isn't even new, and I remember being taught at primary school in the late 70s. And that's about it - something that basic and simple is what you're having a meltdown about.

Would you like a light for that sock?

4) "Why are you defending this crap? What is wrong with you? Stand up for your own. A man in a women's bathroom is sick. A man stealing medals at sports events because he's too weak to compete against men, is sick. Liberals and governments enforcing this is sick. A man being called woman of the year is sick. Where is your pride? Where is your sense of pride in who you are and what you are? Being trans or gay or lesbian is your right."

Oh boy, I can actually picture you hopping up and down in your seat as you typed this. Are you sure you're okay?

a) it's not "crap" - it's common sense. If left to people like you, kids would grow up as ignorant and as maladjusted as you obviously are: hysterical and terrified of things you know nothing about and have swallowed every lie fed to you about - and too ignorant to tell the difference.

b) if you actually believe the bullshit that transwomen go to all the expense, drama and risk of being actually killed (by people who sound just like you btw) just to participate in women's sporting events, you're a special kind of stupid.

c) transwomen are not men. I have my doubts about you too, and it has nothing to do with whatever's lurking in your pants. Bullies are not "men". They're cowards who prey on people weaker than themselves - and the way to prevent people from turning into bullies is through childhood education.

d) Standing up to hate and prejudice - and people like you who are victims of their own ignorance and just insanely crazy mad because of their self-inflicted ignorance, IS my pride.

e) That is the very first thing you've said in your entire diatribe that I agree with - yes, it IS my right to be me - but here's the thing: you say that while simultaneously opposing the right of other people to understand and accept that right as it applies to them.

Have you really thought about this - beyond your obvious prejudice?

The core of this initiative is about teaching children to not be spiteful, selfish little bullies (like many of their parents seem to be) - so, do you start teaching them that at a young age, or do you wait until your kid is old and big enough to beat you up for your pension money? Hint: it will probably be far too late by then.

See, here's another thing: you sit there waving your finger decrying this and that as "sick" when you obviously know less than fuckall about any of the subjects involved - so instead of sitting there vomiting this nonsense all over yourself, open Google and start "doing your own research" like a good little science-denialist. Or maybe you should get out of your comfort zone, find some LGBT+ people, and... just TALK to them. Of course, it's far easier to just stay inside your little echo chamber and play in the dark with your confirmation bias.

There's so much hate in you for LGBT+ people dude, that it's virtually oozing out of your pores. You said I "need help", but I think you need to take your own advice and get some help for those anger management issues. And not to mention doing something about that crippling ignorance of yours - and that really terrifying aversion to science must make navigating the world around you something of a nightmare.

5) "The only way kids ''know'' what they are, is by what they see, hear and being told or taught, by adults!..."

Considering everything you've said here, I can only imagine the tragic mess someone like you would make of a kid, especially if any of yours turn out to be LGBT+. Of course, you probably wouldn't even know that, would you? Do you think they'd feel safe confiding in you? I doubt it. Yeah, yeah, I know 0 you don't believe LGBT+ kids exist - I'll address this point next.

6) "Btw, how do you know there are LGBT+ kids? Show the proof. Or are you believing what goverments tell you is the truth and so called scientists and psychologists are barfing up?"

How do I know? HOW? Seriously? 

Well, the very first answer I have to the first half of your question is from personal experience - I was one. The first time I realized, I was 3 years old.

Did you sleep through your entire childhood? Don't you remember realizing for the first time that you were a boy and that this was different from the girls you knew at school?

I grew up hiding my true self because of how I perceived the way I would be received if I tried to be open about it. I grew up living in FEAR - this new system is designed to circumvent kids growing up afraid and having their lives ruined by people like you. Wow. Doesn't that make you feel special?

And you see, here's the thing - had this education system been in place when I was starting school back in 1978, my life would've been much, much better, safer, less traumatic and more nurturing - vastly so, in fact. It would've saved me so much misery and grief, and also damage from growing up in the wrong gender.

The second answer is that yes, the very science that you brag you don't believe in, says so.

The very fact that you can brag about being a science denialist without feeling like a complete dunce is ... well, quite unsurprising.

Here's a quote for you to consider:

“A UK scientist said this was evidence sexual orientation was set in the womb. ‘As far as I’m concerned there is no argument any more - if you are gay, you are born gay’ - Dr Qazi Rahman, University of London.” - BBC News.

Do you seriously imagine that LGBT+ people just suddenly pop into being, out of thin air, as adults?

The last part of your question is... well, simply unbelievable.

How does any sane person who relies on medical and scientific research, argue with an idiot who denies science? How does providing actual proof in any way mean that you would understand it or accept that you haven't a leg to stand on?

What that comes to, is that you would dismiss any proof or evidence that you're wrong and conflicts with your opinions outright, in an attempt to deny that you've lost your argument. Nice strategy, but life doesn't work that way.

Having your opinion is your right - but your opinion is wrong, factually inaccurate and fatally flawed.

If science - the science you don't accept as fact - finds it is wrong, it changes its conclusions to fit the facts, not the other way round.


7) "Teaching kids to be compasionate and caring, doesn't have to be wrapped in a ''rainbow'' or have an agenda attached to it. I know this, because I taught my kids that."

Are you really afraid of a few colors? Are you really that weak and fragile? Are you really the sort of parent who would reject their children if they came out to you as being gay or trans or non-binary? Wow - I'm glad you're not my parent. You make a good case for my response to point 9 - some people don't deserve to be parents.

Reducing an initiative to teach kids compassion and understanding for people you actually hate to some sinister "agenda" just makes it obvious that you're sorely in need of the same education yourself. Sadly, it's probably a bit too late for you. But who knows, maybe you'll still grow as a human being.

8) "What's right is right and what is true and real is right, and that there are only two genders is fact, scientifically and naturally, everthing else is make believe."

"Scientifically and naturally"? Er... no. Science completely disagrees with you. Not believing in science doesn't mean you're somehow not completely wrong about that. P.S. telling people you don't believe in science just makes you look like an ignoramus.

9) "Go read and study that proposed law. Your right as a parent is out the window and the government is in control."

I've always felt that some parents don't deserve to be parents. Abusers, bullies, narcissists, people who can't possibly give children a safe, healthy, nurturing, comfortable environment to grow up in... Frankly, if people had to pass exams and apply for a license to have a child, the world would be a far better place. It's no wonder so many of the new generations are choosing to not have children - they have too many bad memories of their own childhoods to draw on.

The truth is, that some things SHOULD be beyond a parent's right to control - and education is definitely one of them.

Otherwise people like YOU would get to indoctrinate their kids with the same irrational fears, prejudices and hatreds you have put on display here. That, in my view, is child abuse and makes for an unfit parent. But hey, I'm not in government, so you're lucky to get a free pass.

10) "they intend rolling it out in pre schools and primary schools."

Good. It will be better for not just LGBT+ kids - but ALL kids. Who doesn't want their kids to grow up to be kind and compassionate towards other people? What kind of parent would that be?

Or do you actually want kids to grow up at school, and after 12 or 13 years of schooling, leave there being as ignorant about themselves and other people around them as you obviously are?


All of these arguments will be familiar ground to LGBT+ rights activists around the world, since they employ the same tired old themes - linking LGBT+ people to threats of imaginary crimes, or to real crimes committed by other people.

The material upon which these claims are based - manufactured propaganda - plays on the deep-seated fears of people who do not know enough about these various subjects to form a clear picture, or sufficient understanding to be able to navigate through a minefield of conflicting information without falling foul of a "magnetic mine" of propaganda, and are usually drawn "magnetically" towards information which more closely matches their confirmation bias.

The origins of this sort of disinformation propaganda lies squarely at the feet of the transphobic modern American "religious right", who first started to produce and circulate claims like those addressed in this article in the 1970s and 80s during the so-called "culture war", and built on that foundation during the mid-2000s as a reaction to the LGBT+ community's struggle to achieve legal equality. 

The origins of that earlier material - specifically the claims that LGBT+ people "live shorter lives", "are more prone to certain diseases" - or the perennial favorite, "are pedophiles" originated directly from that same source, being originally put forward by disbarred former psychologist Paul Cameron in a series of fraudulent "studies" made up in an attempt to provide medical credibility to his homophobic views, and to deliberately incite hatred against LGBT+ people. In that, in spite of being thoroughly debunked as far back as the 1980s when he and his "research" were discredited, the material produced by Cameron fell on fertile ground with the "religious right" worldwide, and still forms the basis for the global attack on LGBT+ human rights, at least in part.

More recent claims such as those surrounding transwomen participating in women's sport are simply newer additions added onto an already obscene structure made entirely out of fabrications, distortions and outright lies. Calling LGBT+ people "groomers" for example, is simply a "newspeak" take on the same, baseless, nonsensical, paranoid - and tired old bullshit.

As always, the attack on LGBT+ human rights is not led from a place of knowledge, or fact, or scientific process, or even concerned with the burden of proof or evidence, but from a place wracked with ignorance, superstition, fear and hysteria in which the same tired, worn-out, long-disproved ideas and opinions circulate and are recycled ad nauseum: an echo chamber.

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