Sunday, November 20, 2022

My Rage Is Forged In Death

Another mass shooting in the USA isn't really exceptional these days, after all, it happens every other day, doesn't it?
Even so, the fact that it's taken for granted - and NOTHING gets done to address this growing problem is a striking indictment of the country that loves to bill itself as a bastion of the freedoms of speech and expression and as "the land of the free". Sadly it seems that inanimate objects in the shape of guns, have more rights than living, bleeding human beings do.

On the 20th another mass shooting took place, this time in an LGBT club in Colorado. Another cowardly white supremacist Christian terrorist has struck down people who had never interfered with him or his own life, nor threatened him in any way, shape or form. 

Let me point out that this is a case in point why I don't write for the masses. The masses are stupid. Stupid people hate those who differ from them for being different. Granted, a small part of that majority are stupid enough to commit violent acts of terror fueled by the stupidity shared with the greater whole of stupidity, but the stupidity is shared and the same.

Besides, stupid people don't read - and those who attempt to, fail to comprehend what they read and interpret everything literally and fundamentally Innuendo, wit and subtlety are wasted on them. Writing for the majority is like making pulp; wasting good seeds on infertile ground as hard as cement. Thus I write for the minority, for those weathered by high winds and battered by life's storms, whose views have become shaped by their experiences and their eyes opened by the blindness of those around them - their soil is already fertile and tilled by the plough of hardship.

It's perhaps no coincidence that this domestic terrorist attack came close to or on TDOR - the Transgender Day Of Remembrance, a day on which those who were murdered around the world because of being transgender by bigoted transphobic cowardly twats with less than five braincells. Thanks to the stochastic terrorism of numbskulls like Donald Trump, whose rhetoric traverses the world and who launched his next presidential campaign by inciting harm against transgender people, the stats are soaring. This is apparently already the highest transgender murder rate on record, and it's still just November!

Sophie La Belle had this to say in her latest info graphic:

Indeed I concur: My Rage Is Forged In Death.

I've often been accused of being "theophobic" or "anti-Christian" as a writer. I've written my fair share of books and academic papers in my time exposing Christian misinformation about the occult and religions like Paganism and Satanism, as well as stood firmly and openly in the path of Christian hatred directed against LGBT people, women, and people of color, so I suppose it's a fair assumption of theirs to say "the author is theophobic" or "she hates Christianity" rather than to accept the point of view that they're actually in the wrong and have participated in and helped cement a million or more crimes against humanity over the last 2000 years.

Let me answer that by saying I don't write for the masses, I don't write chicken soup to pander to the thoughtlessness of the self-deluding somnambulent masses, so I'm not likely to reach that desirable "bestseller" accolade or be praised by the sheeple for how accurately I've described the pen they've embraced or the virtues of the self-appointed farmers and butchers in the shadows.

I write for the few, I write to fuel the spark of enlightenment, to spark the feeling of "something needs to be done about this" in those too long mentally inactive, whose minds have been mired and weighed down with cerebral fluff and pseudo-intellectual fare. I write to challenge those who are waking up and need something to think about, and for those already awakened, to inspire them to wipe the sleep from their eyes - and blinking, to see what's around them with their own eyes and to smell the bullshit they're expected to accept as "the way things are" for themselves. I write a strong dose of the injustice of reality served with a twist of what ought to be done about it.

Some people don't like that, and if you're wondering, you need to ask yourself "why?" Maybe you need to read more of my work to see for yourself!

Change is coming.

Slowly perhaps, but it will come.

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