So on Saturday morning I noticed the above screenshot of a poster put
out by the local Afrikaner
nationalist newspaper, "Die Burger", being circulated on social media. The poster makes it fairly clear that "Die Burger" are trying to encourage local right wingers to join in with the hate for
Taylor Swift - presumably for the very same reasons that the US variety
of right wing loons are doing it.
But this set me to wondering why the local right wing nutters would focus on Taylor Swift? Why should they even care about Taylor Swift?
What is it with Afrikaners these days? Is it something in the melktert? 🤔
Last I heard, the US singer
really had nothing to do with
South Africa, other than some of her music making its way out here, and I
think it's really bizarre that the local right wingers have managed to
put down their Klippies and biltong and have stopped arguing about rugby or singing De La Rey
long enough to focus on sending hate towards a remote American singer
who probably doesn't even know they exist, and whose music they have
probably never even listened to, probably because it has no concertinas or right wing icons in it.
Don't South Africans have enough problems of their own - closer to home, to be concerned about?
More to the point, why is it that every time the red-cap brigade over the pond get their panties in a twist about something, the attention of the local right wingers seems to follow their example?
Don't they have any originality?